Revamping a Historic Building: Features of a Renovation Planroom

The Morehead Housing Authority is undertaking a historic redesign of a 1914 building, which was once the largest exclusive milk retail business in Ohio. In collaboration with Cameron Mitchell, the building has been transformed into an open food court with 10 commercial kitchens, 3 bars, indoor dining and a rooftop terrace. The remaining space is available for office, IT and business leases. The renovation planroom includes recreating the historic window openings, doors, the brick façade, the terracotta roof and the interior construction of the kitchens, bars and the roof terrace.

Additionally, an underground tunnel between the buildings, new staircases, elevator towers and outdoor patios and squares have been included in the plan. The HVAC replacement and bathroom renovations are integral components of this project. The planroom also includes detailed instructions on how to install these features. The planroom also provides information on how to maintain these features in order to ensure that they are functioning properly.

The planroom also includes information on how to select materials for the renovation project. This includes selecting materials that are appropriate for the building's age and style. It also includes information on how to select materials that are durable and cost-effective. Additionally, it provides information on how to select materials that are energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.

The planroom also includes information on how to manage the project. This includes information on how to manage budgets, timelines and resources. It also provides information on how to coordinate with contractors and other stakeholders involved in the project. Additionally, it provides information on how to ensure that safety protocols are followed throughout the project.

The planroom also includes information on how to monitor progress throughout the project. This includes information on how to track progress against timelines and budgets. It also provides information on how to identify potential risks and issues that may arise during the project. Additionally, it provides information on how to ensure that quality standards are met throughout the project.

A renovation planroom is an essential tool for any renovation project. It provides detailed instructions on how to install features such as HVAC replacement and bathroom renovations. It also provides information on how to select materials for the project and manage budgets, timelines and resources. Additionally, it provides information on how to monitor progress throughout the project and ensure that safety protocols are followed.